The Customs Anti-Narcotic Unit (CANU) on Thursday issued a statement alerting students, school officials, parents, and the wider Guyanese Community to what it says is a potentially dangerous drug disguised as candy.
The local drug enforcement agency said it was urging the public to be vigilant about the substance known as Strawberry Quick, which resembles the popular strawberry-flavored pop rock candy that sizzles and pops in the mouth but is suspected to contain methamphetamine.
The drug, CANU said, has been circulating in school environments. Officials have warned that the drugs look and smell like strawberry candy, making it dangerous for children who may unknowingly ingest it.
Parents and teachers are encouraged to educate children about the risks and to discourage them from accepting any unfamiliar candy, even if it is from a friend. CANU has said that the drug is extremely harmful to human health.
The drug enforcement agency is asking persons to report any suspicious activities which includes distribution to law enforcement or encourage students to report the same to a teacher, school principal or parent who can further contact the police or CANU.
Persons with information or concerns are encouraged to reach out to the drug enforcement agency via its website; its facebook page CANU or telephone numbers 226-0431 or 608-3344.