Assistant Police Commissioner Calvin Brutus is no longer a serving member of the Guyana Police as he was dismissed by a tribunal appointed by the Police Service Commission to investigate allegations of misconduct against him.

The decision was effective from Wednesday (February 5). According to a statement issued by the three-member tribunal Brutus was found guilty of two disciplinary offences – Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline contrary to section 4(z) of the Police (Discipline) Act, Chapter 17:01 and Conduct prejudicial to good order and discipline contrary to section 4(z) of the Police (Discipline) Act, Chapter 17:01.

On the first charge, the tribunal said Brutus abused his authority by instructing the payment of over $13 million dollars from the Police Welfare Fund for goods procured by a business registered under his wife’s name. The Police Welfare fund is a fund to which members of the Police Force contribute monthly from their salaries, and is a fund established for the welfare and needs of members of the Force. It is not for the payment of goods procured for the Guyana Police Force, the statement said.

On the second charge he was found guilty of falsifying records indicating that goods worth in excess of $101 million were never delivered to the force. The monies were paid to Corwin Nicholas trading as 3D construction. The goods in question were uniform items for which monies were budged for.

While Brutus never appeared before commission twenty-one witnesses testified before the commission including the commissioner of police, Clifton Hicken.